Stonehenge,The mysterious site of Neolithic

Stonehenge,The mysterious site of Neolithic

Stonehenge, a neolithic stone monument constructed from 3000 BC to 2000 BC. (©wikimedia)

The site is located approximately 15 kilometres north of Salisbury, Wiltshire, in southern England. This famous site is a megalithic monument with menhirs arranged in a circle. Even if you don’t know his name, you must have seen pictures of him. This kind of menhir arrangement is called a cromlech. The site of the cromlech is often called Stonehenge.

The first menhir was built in Neolithic times in 2800 BC. Archaeologists and various studies show that the site was enlarged, modified and used until 1100 BC, so Stonehenge is the most famous prehistoric stone circle in the World.

Emir, Jaime

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