Who was Ruth Bader Ginsburg ?

Good morning ! We are Héloïse.R and Gaïa.R, and we are going to introduce Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We choose Ruth because she was an exeptional woman ! She was a professor, a lawyer, a jurist and a judge, always hardworking, determined and fair. She was a kind of « champion for abortion and gender equality ».
Ruth was born the 15th march 1933 in Brooklyn. She was the daughter of Russian jewish immigrants. She studied in many universities: James Madison High School, Cornell ( where she met her husband : Martin Ginsburg ), Havard and Columbia.
When she was a student in Columbia, in New-York, she got her doctorate in law in 1959. In 1972, she created the Woman’s Right Project to stop sexist discrimination. From 1972 to 1981, Ruth taught in Columbia University, in Rutgers and Newark where she was a law professor. She wrote a book about sexist discrimination.
In 1933, she was nominated assessor judge by the president Bill Clinton. She was the second woman to be in Supreme Court. In 2009, she expressed her opinion about gender egality and abortion in a New-York Times interview. She declared : « the decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a woman’s life, to her well-being and dignity … »
She died becaus e of a pancreatic cancer, after 27 years of serving at tue Supreme Court. She was 87 years old.
We choose Ruth because she is the proof that we can make our dreams come true, with determination and courage. She fought for gender equality. She is an example for every women in the world.